
Hi there, well just sharing that today is the 3rd week of my NO RICE Diet. Just to give you a brief update, well, nothing has changed. Just the same, my tummy looks more flat no., but there is no significant change on my waiste line. I can feel that my tighs are smaller because before i started with this diet, i noticed that my pants were really fit down until my tigh area.

My diet include, potato salad, eggs, yogurt, and all viands. There were just some days that i eat a lot of potatoes, carbs it is but lighter than rice i guess.

No rice diet is really hard at there are days that you want to give in. Fried rice looks tempting.., I don't want myself to feel deprived at it so I had 2 spoons of rice..:( so bad.., But after that, I realized that I am more determined now.

Cheers! Hoping for a bigger change soon!
