Happy New Year!

It's a Saturday morning, 31st of December. The last day of the year 2011, in a few hours we will be celebrating New Year yay!

Although making a resolution every year is already a cliche, I still want to share mine. :)

1. Submit myself to the Lord and entrust to Him my plans and decisions as He knows best.
2. Lose some more pounds.
3. Be more patient in all things. Never argue with St*p!d people. (Mga koya, ati sa daan di ko na kayo papatulan pwomis).
4. Be the best Mom and wifey to my 2 boys.
5. Spend more time with my parents and siblings.

1. Save more for the rainy days - never again will I drain all our savings.
2. Become a wise spender - avoid promos and sales
3. Pay off our CC debts - don't want to be a slave of high interest rates anymore!

1. Maintain good performance. (naks)
2. Will still be concerned of my Schedule and Vacation Leaves :P - kahit yan ang comment sakin, i will still do it.. yoko mag paloko sa kanila re my VLs and Off days.. Bleh~

This will be my guide and hope that I can be a better person this coming year. How about you do you have a New Year's resolution?

Have a blessed new year everyone!

