A Bit of Vanity: Victoria Secret's Forever Sexy

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I am not into perfume collection but I do admit that I have quite a hand full of perfume bottles in our closet. My recent purchase was the Forever Sexy by Victoria Secret. This was released last year and now making its mark in The Fragrance Foundation Awards 2016 as one of the "Women's Popular" perfume of the year.

Thanks to my cousin from Duty Free who always gives me good discounts and updates me whenever they are on sale.

*I feel forever sexy with that corset*

According to fragrantica.com:

"In August 2015 Victoria's Secret launches the new fragrance Forever Sexyadvertised as the fragrance as seductive as lingerie of Victoria's Secret brand created of golden threads of amber, which enables luxurious, irresistible warmth. Composition of the fragrance Victoria's Secret Forever Sexy is crowned by juicy fruity flavors of Belladonna orange, with creamy gardenia petals leaving a solar effect, while sensual warmth originates from golden amber."

I'm not good in describing a scent but what I like about this perfume is that it is not too sweet but has a manly (musky) smell for me. It definitely complement office women like me. Perfect for evening and rainy season.

I hope Duty Free Paranaque will have this on sale too specially that lovely train case!

photo grabbed: http://learnclubdance.com/

Also got these from my cousin. Love love love Sale!

