Just Another Diet Story

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Been out of the blog for sometime now, just today I posted my rant about Smart Retention Program and browsed my "Diet" entries. I found out that I have promised myself to take Losing Weight  seriously but to no effect. Haha. Looking back 2011 I've been ranting about my 63kg self, and now I'm afraid I'm a bit over 70kgs. How is that?

My love-hate relationship with food brought me to this weight. I just can't imagine how did I let myself turn into this big. I feel really sad about my size for how many years and I become heavier and heavier each year. Since I moved in our new department, my appetite has reached its peak and so is my waist, it's now on its gracious 32inches.

Reading my previous posts, it seemed that I know what to do to lose weight but the thing is that, it's really hard to do. They said promises are meant to be broken, and speaking for myself, yeah I broke my promises of staying away from sweets and mainly rice. I'm writing now because I feel so helpless about this journey. I feel out of control. I feel undetermined, lack of self discipline.

I'm not a fashionista but I get to buy new clothes whenever I can. My closet looks full but there are days that I can't even wear one, not even a lose shirt. Imagine how I'm helpless right now. Last year I started playing Badminton with friends, I lost a bit and when I noticed it, I will start to become lazy again and so the weight-gain resets. There is really no short cuts on losing weight. What I need now is drive and discipline. These 2 words are really hard to do (together).

I hope that someday, when I get to read this post again, I will be able to tell myself that I managed my weight successfully and be a motivation to others.

Good Luck to me. T.T
